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Lynn Chen: “An actor’s advice on self-acceptance and why she doesn’t set goals”



BACKGROUND: Lynn Chen is an actor and body image activist. She has a diverse resume ranging from singing on The Metropolitan Opera Stage, to starring in Sony Pictures Classics' "Saving Face," narrating the international bestseller "Crazy Rich Asians," and touring with Dischord Records' punk band E.D. Sedgwick. She's a spokesperson for the National Eating Disorders Association, as well as Skype's Acting Ambassador. In addition to running two award-winning blogs (The Actor's Diet and Thick Dumpling Skin), Lynn is a writer, most recently published in the LA Weekly. In this episode Lynn discuss about the following: She talks about her career as an actress and how she has managed the ups and downs in the entertainment industry Lynn shares how she made career decisions to achieve  “balance” in her life. She also candidly shares about her past struggles with an eating disorder from childhood and her tiny obsession about foods Lynn talks about why she currently shuns goal-setting in order to gain self-acceptance. L