Deconstructing Success With Chris Winfield

#4: Glen Allsopp | The Life-Changing Productivity 'Click'



Have you ever had one of those moments where you’ve been working on a problem for a while (or trying to figure something out) and then (almost out of nowhere) everything ‘clicks’...and it suddenly makes sense? What if this 'click' was so dramatic that it helped you get more accomplished than you ever thought possible? And all of sudden, you no longer had to wonder why you weren't achieving your goals and instead knew exactly what you needed to do to keep hitting them? And what if it was all based around a super simple productivity technique that ANYONE can use? In this episode of Deconstructing Success, you’ll hear from someone who experienced this click last year, what the simple productivity technique was and exactly how you can use it to achieve your own goals each day. Glen Allsopp, quit college at 18 and moved to South Africa to become the social media manager for massive brands like Land Rover, Nissan and Hewlett Packard. At the age of 19, this self-described “introvert” went to work for himself and