Deconstructing Success With Chris Winfield

#5: Andrew Warner | The Most Successful People *All* Have This One Trait



What do the most successful people all have in common? Are they smarter than everyone else? Do they work harder? Are they just luckier? In this episode of Deconstructing Success, we'll talk to someone who has an answer to this question...and I'd bet a lot of money that it's not what you think it is : ) As the founder and host of the massively popular Mixergy courses, masterclasses and podcast series, Andrew Warner has interviewed over 1,000 entrepreneurs... ...including the founders of companies like AirBNB, Wikipedia, Reddit, Dropbox, yCombinator and Zappos, to name a few)... ...asking them uncomfortable questions to dig deep into their success and failures. I asked Andrew to come o so we could learn more about his story, experiences, habits and influences. And I also wanted to discover what some of the biggest lessons he’s learned from doing those 1,000+ interviews. Were there any patterns? Any “major keys? Any shortcuts? And he gave me even more than I was hoping for! Some of the things you’ll l