Deconstructing Success With Chris Winfield

#6: Selena Soo | How Anyone Can "Influence Millions"



How does a self-described “introvert” transition from someone completely behind the scenes into a “super connector” running a seven-figure business? In this episode of Deconstructing Success you’re going to get the full story and so much more... Some of the things you’ll learn in this “jam-packed with awesomeness” interview with Selena Soo are: How (and why) Selena plans out her days two months in advance… How ANYONE can connect with influencers in their industry (even if you’re shy, just starting out, have no connections, no “name” or time). Exactly how Selena did this to create her own relationships with influencers and what this has meant for her own business. The importance of not trying to hit multiple goals all at once and how to know when to “cut” sources of revenue in order to actually grow. The biggest takeaways that she has learned from Marie Forleo, Adam Grant, Ramit Sethi, Derek Halpern, Danielle LaPorte and other influencers. How she overcomes perfectionism and uses it to her advantage. Discover