Deconstructing Success With Chris Winfield

#11: How to Teach and Grow Rich with Danny Iny



Danny Iny was a self-described “goodie two shoes” for the first fourteen years of his life. Until the age of 15, when he suddenly lost interest in school, missed 152 days of classes and then convinced his parents to let him drop out in the middle of ninth-grade so he could start a business. They let him. He started that business and climbed aboard the entrepreneurial roller-coaster which was initially filled with some ups but a whole bunch of downs or as he calls them “plot twists” including losing everything in 2011 after his 3-year old startup imploded… Leaving him down -- but not out. In 2011, he started Firepole Marketing with less than nothing: No traffic No subscribers No relationships with any influencers in the industry And over $250,000 of personal debt (left over from that last failed startup) Which he then turned into into a seven-figure business through: Some ingenious marketing efforts (Such as becoming the "Freddy Krueger of Blogging") A strong commitment to teaching people And whole lot of l