Creator's Block

Episode 29: 5.5 Networking Tips to Work a Room Like a Boss



This week, we're taking a break from talking about content and design to talk about something we think everyone can relate to - whether you own your own business, or you're a marketer just getting started:  The challenges of networking. For so many, networking events (trade shows, conferences, happy hours, industry meetups) are considered a necessary evil. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter if you're getting out there to mingle with prospects or to connect with other professionals in your field, knowing how to work a room effectively can make or break you in those situations. So, inspired by a recent talk I attended, I decided to go digging for some of my favorite tips and tricks to help others feel more confident in networking situations. And, of course, Shelby brought in her own unique perspective, as well as a few things I hadn't even thought of... WHAT DID WE TALK ABOUT?   What is your body language communicating to others - both in a conversation and standing on your own? Why should you look out for pairs