Creator's Block

Episode 32: Using Mood Boards to Jump Start Your Next Design Project



There is a black hole in design projects. It's this realm right between the development of the creative brief and the presentation of those first few design concepts. Sure, the client knows is that their designer is hard at work – brainstorming, ideating and being as creative as possible in order to deliver the most fantastical design concepts imaginable. Obviously. But where exactly does the designer go? Do they trek through the mountains of Tibet in order to find inner peace and bolster their creativity? Do they flee to an uncharted island to perfect their focus? Most project managers and clients probably couldn't say what goes on during this time. And it's problematic because then, when the first rounds of designs are reviewed, designs come out of left field and no one is quite happy with how it all came out. Goals and expectations were not established, and feelings get hurt. Mood boards are like a lifeline back to the mainland. They bridge this gap that we all struggle with, whether you're a designer or n