Creator's Block

Ep. 52: The Romantic Myth of the Morning Routine



Last week, I shared an article with Jessie-Lee and Marcella about morning routines. But it wasn't the usual enlightened, aspirational fare. Instead of bossing me around with a neverending to do list of how to be the most successful person of all time, it was real and it resonated with the fact that I am the farthest thing from being a morning person. I wasn't alone in my reaction to it. It also struck a similar nerve with Jessie-Lee and Marcella -- but why? Like us, I’m sure many of you have come across articles that claim to have hacked the code around the ideal morning routine so you can be your most elevated and successful self. You know, those ones that tell you, "Here are 23 steps to improving your life first thing in the morning: Drink butter in your coffee! Meditate! Ride a camel! Go for a run! Wait, don't go for a run -- walk! Write in a journal! Crossfit! Work on a passion project! Ignore your email! Answer only specific emails! Never touch social media! Eat all your macros, otherwise there is no pos