Creator's Block

Avoiding Empty Promise Purgatory - When Good Intentions are Not Enough



I can't even begin to tell you how often I've seen -- or been stuck in -- "Empty Promise Purgatory" as a marketer. Let me know if this sounds familiar. You and your boss come up with a killer marketing strategy and seem completely aligned in what you need to do in order to get it done and see the leads roll in. At some point in the strategizing though, she or he says they need final approval on items -- and I mean any item. It could be something as small as the color of CTA buttons or as complex as the pricing page content, but regardless, your boss needs to review and approve before the item goes live. Unfortunately, though, your boss -- who has countless other priorities and initiatives -- is not as available as you originally thought and does not seem to dedicate the time needed to approve the items you (and possibly your agency partner) have worked so hard on. What then tends to happen? Nothing. That's right -- nothing goes live; the leads don't come rolling in. This is what I like to call the Empty Promi