Authentic Success: The Natural Professional's Podcast With Shawn Tuttle

[13] The Big Decision Protocol



To bike through southern France or not to bike through southern France, that is one tough decision for this wanderlust-chica to make! Someone else doing the planning, award points in the mileage account... it's a no-brainer, right? In this shorty episode, I share my process for making significant decisions. I call it my Big Decision Protocol. This is a simplified version of the process--the full version will be in the Natural Professional Handbook that I'm working on. While researching, talking with people, listing pros & cons is important and gives your head plenty of data to work with, the best final decisions come through mindful connection with your Wise Self. You'll learn my four step process for making Big Decisions which step most people leave out when trying to follow their intuition (hint: it's step #4) This was a spontaneous episode recorded over the fourth of July weekend. After being immersed in a family emergency for a week, and then in family vaykay mode for another week, I'd been putting