Chocolate Croissants

Episode 67: Ronnie Young (Live Audio Engineer)



Ronnie Young is used to being on the road, ensuring your favorite bands (Animals As Leaders, Plini, Periphery) sound good in the room. Now, like most of us, he's safely at home. But this hasn't stopped him from finding ways to be creative, productive, and social. Ronnie joins the entire CC crew from the UK and shares his process for finding success in the touring industry. We cover self awareness and the ability to "read the room" in different social situations, especially on tour with different bands. Ronnie has even helped Matt break out of his shell on tour and they share the details. The guys explore their evolving perspectives on remaining safe while engaging in public in May 2020, both in the UK and the US. Our audio experts (Ronnie and Joe) are asked, "What's your favorite sound?" There is a DEEP dive into brewing coffee at home. And toward the end the guys share one quarantine recommendation for everyone at home. We want to connect with you! Join our private, supportive Facebook group full of creati