Metc Podcast

METCpodcast - Ep57 - Keep



It is hard to believe that we have completed 2 seasons of the METC Podcast! Can't think of a better way to close out season 2. Mike McCann and I discuss my second favorite Google Tool, Google Keep!  Keep is an amazing tool and if you are not using it, you should check it out for sure! There were two Twitter Challenges within this episode! Share your answers using #METCpodcast for an opportunity for some of our new Podcast stickers! Challenge 1 - What is @jleetechpercent's #1 favorite Google tool? Challenge 2 - How are you using Google Keep? Either within the classroom setting or personally. Not using Google Keep? Share how you would like to begin using it. Remember, use #METCpodcast within your tweet!   We will be back next week (not in two weeks like originally thought) with episode 58 and the first episode of season 3! Thank you for checking out this episode. Connect with Mike and myself on Twitter.