Pathway To Promise Podcast W/ Dr. Brad Miller

158. How to Use a Framework to Optimize Decision Making with the Author of “Choose Better” Dr. Timothy Yen



Do you ever feel like your best is not enough? Or that you know you’re not living the way you want to live but do not know how to change? Or simply feel too many negative feelings that it is hard to focus on anything else? If you said yes to any of these questions, there is hope because you do not have to live this way anymore! Knowledge is power. People cannot act upon what they do not know. How does someone obtain knowledge of the outside world? You can read, watch informational media, or ask a friend. How about learning more about yourself and living well? You can definitely figure it out on your own through trial and error which may take 1, 5, or 10 years OR you can receive guidance by gaining more clarity and skills which can save you a great deal of time, energy, and potential heartache. If you are seeking answers to your life challenges and want it done in a supportive, non-judgmental, and professional way, then counseling with me may be the answer! I believe in counseling as a collaborative process. T