Horse Wise

The ONE thing you need to know about horsemanship



Episode 63: The ONE key to horsemanship – do you know what it is? If you’re like many horse people, you’re always on the lookout for it. The secret tip, the ultimate hack, the one thing you MUST know. Social media marketing and sponsored ads are full of “the one thing” and the “amazing secret” that you can get by just clicking the link (and buying the advertised service).The trouble is that there are SO many of those “secret tips” – how do you know if you’re buying the right one? I ‘m here to help. I’m going to share the ONE real key you need to know. Ready? There is NO one thing. There are no shortcuts or amazing hacks in horsemanship. You just have to take the time to study and practice horsemanship consistently. Not with big dramatic activities once a month or twice a year. But instead with small daily actions that steadily increase your knowledge and skill. It’s called the compound effect. It’s how horses learn, people change and new patterns develop.The compound effect is the strategy of reapin