Dare To Be Human

"Applied Improvisation" - An Interview with Theresa Robbins Dudeck and Caitlin McClure



Kat and Alex speak with Theresa Robbins Dudeck and Caitlin McClure the co-editors of the new book Applied Improvisation: Leading, Collaborating, and Creating Beyond the Theatre. This is an incredible new development in the field of Applied Improvisation that draws back the curtain on an exciting, innovative, growing field of practice and research that is changing the way people lead, create, and collaborate Despite some technical difficulties, we persevered in our quest to speak with Theresa and Caitlin and talked to them about how they first began collaborating on this book. We also discuss how they both began improvising, their experience keeping the magic of improv alive in the working world, Keith Johnstone, and of course, get them to share some Dre to Be Human Stories. Check out the links below to check out the book as well as some of their other works and where you can find them on social media! 'Applied Improvisation: Leading, Collaborating, and Creating Beyond the Theatre' 'K