Health Talk With The Stoners

088: How To Stay Motivated When You're Struggling Part II



The crucial element in setting and attaining a goal lies in the motivation and drive that propels you forward. In Part I of the motivation we looked at how to find the motivation within and in part II and III we look at what it takes to keep yourself going when you don’t feel the same excitement as you did in the beginning. Maybe something new has come into your life and your old goal isn’t as valuable to you anymore. Maybe you skipped a day or two and now you can’t get back into it. Maybe you screwed up and got discouraged.If you can get yourself excited again, and keep going, you’ll get there eventually. But if you give up, you won’t. It’s your choice — accomplish the goal, or quit. So here are the ways you can stop from quitting, and get to your goal!!*If you have not listened to Motivation Part I click here on "How to motivate yourself so you can achieve any goal"Make sure you follow us socially on FBIG NEW motivational Channel, THE GOOD LIFE on Youtube. We love you and thanks for listening! Tun