Super Movie Ball Podcast

038 - Spy Hard[1996] with our guest JON



038 - Spy Hard[1996] 
 What do you want? This movie is 80 minutes long and on Netflix, okay! 
 TS: These people need to go to a hospital. ED: What is it? TS: It's a big place where sick people go. A: Mack and Jon from Cinema Slop talk about the 1996 spoof movie "Spy Hard". DR: Can you fly this plane and land it? TS: Surely you can't be serious? DR: I am serious, and don't call me Shirley. 
 #SuperMovieBall #SpyHard #LeslieNielsen #MovieReview #CinemaSlop #Spoofs #WeDontHaveTimeForFlashBacks #Comedy #Slapstick 
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 Music By: Intro – Hero Theme By MK2 Outro – Spy Hard By "Weird Al" Yankovic