Chats With Susan Burrell

Thriving with Cancer



Episode #146 = I am continuously amazed at the incredible guests that have graced my Empowering Chats Podcast. This episode features the magnificent, Jan Adrian. Jan is the founder of the non-profit organization, Healing Journeys and a Cancer Thriver. Jan started Healing Journeys over 30 years ago when she was first diagnosed with cancer. Her motivation for starting the non-profit, was so she could present, free of charge her conference, Cancer as a Turning Point, from Surviving to Thriving. This conference was offered for over 25 years to anyone touched by cancer. Currently Jan is working on her memoir, Coloring outside the Lines, where she shares her story of thriving with cancer for more than 30 years. And in this podcast we talk about the importance of treating the whole person . . . and yes listening to science, and then trusting your intuition to lead you toward making the best decisions for your health. To learn more about Jan and Healing Journeys: For more about my work: