Health Talk With The Stoners

084: Level UP With The 5 Stages Of Change



Change can be difficult but change is also necessary for growth. Knowing where you are and what you want that change to be will make the world of difference. That is why its important to have that personal check in with yourself so find out just what stage of change you are on. And guess what there are 5 Stages of Change and it can help guide you through your health and fitness journey whatever that may be. Today we tackle each stage and break down what it takes to move up the staircase to the next level! Lets level up today.Let’s Begin!We know moving through these stages of change can be hard. If you need help or want more actionable steps reach out HERE or take a look at numerous Programs or Coaching to get you the results you need!Organifi A total body superfood system for more energy and complete wellness.Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.