Keeping it REAL (in Real Estate) - with Kathy Blakey

Episode 2: Credit Scores - What you need to know - featuring Bernie Doherty with Pike Creek Mortgage



Hot Topic in Real Estate - Mortgage Lending - Pre Qualification Letters and Credit Pulls:Does your Credit Score take a "drop off a cliff" every time its pulled?? What do you need to know about your Credit Score, and More!One of the other factors in getting pre-qualified or pre-approved is having good credit quality and that is going to help the lender to determine your likelihood that you'll repay the loan that they're going to be giving you to buy your  Credit quality is based on your credit file and that often includes your payment history. Good and bad.  This includes open lines of credit and how you utilize the existing credit that you have. That information is compiled into a score.  And that is what our topic is going to be covering today. What is a credit score? How does it impact your lending ability?****How to improve your score…and more.  Stay tuned!**** Guest Speaker: Today, we are joined by Bernie Doherty with Pike Creek. Mortgage and I'd like to have Bernie go ahead and i