Ruf Arkansas

Praying Our Hate and Anger | Psalm 109



We are in a 5-week series entitled, "Psalms: Praying Our Emotions." We will be looking at how the Psalms teach us to pray the emotions of Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Joy. Emotions are important because they reveal our hearts and what we care most about.  We are not to give up our emotions (suppress or ignore them), give in to our emotions (act on every impulse we have), but GIVE our emotions to God, that is, pray our emotions to the God who made our emotions. This week we look at the imprecatory Psalms, ones which hurl hate and anger against others, hoping God will not wait but judge them for their actions now. What do you do with your hate and anger? We all have it. By praying it to God, the Psalms actually enable us to bless those who persecute us and love those who hate us. Like in all things, Jesus shows us the way.TEXT: Psalm 109