Shot By Brock

Ep. 28 Cheryl Richardson: To Heal The World We Must Heal Ourselves.



There is this notion that in order to get ahead in life, to be successful and to receive our just rewards, we must sacrifice ourselves somehow. Working all hours at the office to prove our worth. Constantly giving, giving, giving. In time, money, energy, emotion and attention, to show that we care, that we’re worthy, loyal, or that we’re moral or somehow superior. But sacrificing ourselves like this ultimately has the opposite effect. It wears us down, burns us out, lowers our frequency, harms our energy. Not only do we become tired and unable to properly fulfil the roles and obligations that we believe we must give part of ourselves to, but we can become resentful that life isn’t easier, that we are receiving nothing in return, that we are being drained. Slowly but surely, bit by bit, life is no longer working for us, but happening to us, and our power becomes diminished. The sacrifices we have made for the job, the role, the obligations, have made us less able to carry out those tasks. And that hurts us. Bu