Shot By Brock

Ep. 29 Nataly Kogan: Finding Peace And Balance When The World Is On Fire.



If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention. That’s the oft quoted phrase intended to snap us out of our happy – yet ignorant – bubbles and make us take action. And right now it feels appropriate. The world is facing a health crisis in the form of COVID-19, we are being told by our leaders to stay indoors, yet people are taking to the streets to protest hundreds of years of wholesale oppression, injustice and racism, that has manifested in the killing of yet another unarmed black man by police officers. On the one hand, we have our own lives, and the seemingly unsurmountable challenges of getting by, making something of ourselves, and finding a sense of peace amongst the antagonism of commercialism, capitalism and success-porn. And on the other hand, we see a world on fire, the collapse of modern politics, and the voiceless taking to the streets and demanding to be heard. How can we balance our own inner peace and quest for happiness, with the anger that an unjust world demands of us now, in the quest to