Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG273 Artist Rebecca Goyette unpacks her relationship with her dad.



Rebecca Goyette is a magical artist—what I mean by that is there is an alchemy between her and her work. Her latest body of work displayed at her recent solo show, My Snake Is Bigger Than Your Snake at Freight + Volume gallery focuses on her dad, his passing and the process of selling her childhood home. Since you can't separate Rebecca's life and her work, there is so much discovery and recognition of her relationship with her dad, her family and her childhood. Rebecca was brought up in a small town in New England, where suffice to say, her nature was outside the norm growing up. This session is great because Rebecca puts into words what a lot of us feel in our surroundings as children in our own ways and demonstrates how our innate nature comes through for better or worse. Clearly at this point, it's a gift for her—though not a simple one to own. More about the exhibition: My Snake Is Bigger Than Your Snake is an exhibition initially conceived in 2018 when artist Rebecca Goyette’s father passed away and she