International Waters

Ep 94: Sex Pest Gremlin



Lisa Loeb, Chris Schleicher, Jon Blyth and Steve Hogarty join Dave Holmes to talk about awful Doctor Who reboots, puma cares vs human cares, and why Friends is the worst show on Earth. Lisa Loeb wants to plug her album, Feel What U Feel and recommends Renee Stahl's album, Simpatico Chris Schleicher is on Twitter @CSchleichsRun and recommends Please Like Me on Hulu Jon Blyth wants to plug The King Billy Pub in Nottingham and recommends Duck Gets a Job by Sonny Ross. Steve Hogarty wants to plug The Regular Features Podcast and recommends Sarah Morgan's podcast The Fear. And finally, Dave Holmes is on Twitter @DaveHolmes and hosts his live quiz show, The Friday Forty at LA's Meltdown Theatre on the second Friday of every month. Dave would like to recommend Thundercat's album, Drunk. You can let us know what you think of International Waters and suggest guests through our Facebook group or on Twitter. We're @IWPod Written by Sarah Morgan and Riley Silverman, recorded at MaxFunHQ in LA and GuiltFreePost in London