International Waters

Ep. 122: Infested with Chihuahuas



Mawaan Rizwan, Emily Lloyd-Saini, Inkoo Kang and Louis Virtel join host, Dave Holmes, to the Princess Bride, Elvis’s career and THE ROYAL WEDDING! Emily wants to plug her appearance at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and recommends the band Young Fathers. Mawaan wants to plug his and Emily’s radio show on BBC Asian Network. Inkoo wants to plug her writing and recommends the Netflix documentary “Wild Wild Country.” Louis wants to plug his podcast Keep It and recommends Kylie Minogue’s newest album "Golden." And finally, Dave Holmes is on Twitter @DaveHolmes and hosts his live quiz show, The Friday Forty at LA’s Meltdown Theatre on the second Friday of every month. You can let us know what you think of International Waters and suggest guests through our Facebook group or on Twitter. Written by Riley Silverman and John-Luke Roberts, recorded at MaxFunHQ in LA and GuiltFreePostin London, produced by Laura Swisher and Julian Burrell.