International Waters

Tight vs Loose



Flula Borg, Blair Socci, Steph Tolev and Emily Duke join host, Dave Holmes to settle once and for all, does middle school suck? Team Tight Flula Borg and Emily Duke Team Loose Blair Socci and Steph Tolev This week, it's our back to school episode and our contestants share some truly insane school stories, tackle some punny questions, and argue over a childhood prank story sent in by a listener. Flula Borg wants to plug his single "Self Care Sunday" and The Punies podcast. Blair Socci wants to plug her upcoming live shows and the Blair and Greta show and recommends Robby Hoffman and Punkie Johnson. Steph Tolev wants to plug her album I'm Not Well and Deb & Steph on Comedy Central and recommends Dave Ross' new album. Emily Duke wants to plug Garbage People and recommends Chris Gethard Presents. And finally, Dave Holmes is on Twitter @DaveHolmes. Find us on Twitter! We are @TroubledPod. You can also find us on Facebook . Call us on the official Troubled Waters hotline! Our number is 323-300-4984. Our produce