Abiding Together

S09 E20: Personal Revival



In this episode we discuss the idea of personal revival through the power of the Holy Spirit, repentance and reawakening. We discuss the necessity of an interior death in order to experience resurrection and the fears that prevent us from living in the power of the Holy Spirit. We chat about how to identify areas in our life that are dormant or require repentance in order to experience new life and chat about the importance of community in bringing about revival. We pray the Holy Spirit would move mightily in your life this week! Michelle’s one thing - Habits for Holiness: Small Steps for Making Big Spiritual Progress - Fr. Mark Mary Ames, CFR Michelle’s other one thing - A Work of God: Images of Renewal - Franciscan Friars of the Renewal Heather’s one thing -  My daughter Maria coming home from Franciscan University Sister Miriam’s one thing - Healthy Granola Recipe Discussion questions:     What struck you from this week’s episode? Who do you know that is living in the power of the Resurrection or Holy Sp