Health Talk With The Stoners

019: All About Intermittent Fasting And If Its Right For You



We discovered Intermittent Fasting years ago and found this lifestyle change to be an absolute game changer. Now its our turn to share how IT works, the different forms and if it is right for you.IT has so many benefits and we wanted to share those with you. We always find the same several questions hoping up and wanted to share those below!FAQHow long can I do this? Intermittent Fasting is a lifestyle, not a diet. You can adapt this way of living and eating long term like I have if you wish!Can I have mints or chew sugar-free gum during my fasting window? No. But you way have black coffee, herbal or green tea, and naturally flavored sparkling water (if you must).How soon can I expect to see results? While each person is different - once you get into a set 16/8 lifestyle and are working out at the end of your fasts, you should see positive results within the first 7-10 days.I've always had breakfast right away in the morning, what if I feel like I'm starving?Start by following a crescendo method and