Chats With Susan Burrell

Susan Talks Trust



Episode #141 - This month I am introducing a new theme: Trust.  My podcast, Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell will focus on this theme for the month of May.  And so, for this solo show, I talk about Trust and explore the ways in which we can trust ourselves. This is not easy and something that takes hard work. How do we learn to trust ourselves? Especially in a world that exploits fear in order to get us to trust “them” (whoever “them” is) and not rely on our own internal truth.  Is science the answer?  Maybe. But it’s much more than that. Trust I believe is part of our own inner guidance that we all have, and yet somewhere along the path to adulthood we are conditioned to not trust our inner knowing. And in this podcast, I explore Trust from the Mystical point of view, from the non-tangible energy of just “knowing” what is correct for us. For you as an individual. Are you curious? Do yourself a favor and take the time to listen. You may find some answers … or at the very least, you may find you are open