Change Creator: Better Business. Better Life. Better World.

Renee Garcia: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself as an Entrepreneur



What does it really take to create the reality you want for yourself? Each stage of entrepreneurial growth requires us to become another version of ourselves. So, we spoke with expert, Renee Garcia, who is a certified reality transurfing instructor to go deep into self-development. More about Renee: Renée is a lifelong entrepreneur, a Certified Reality Transurfing instructor, and an Alternatives Space adventurer - endorsed by Vadim Zeland the author and creator of Reality Transurfing. Having ventured deeply into the metaphysical world of Reality Creation she has transformed personal failure into success, poverty into abundance, sickness into healing, and a bleak worldview into one brimming with joy and magic. Renée has employed Reality Transurfing to discover fulfillment, true purpose in life and connect with the highest version of herself. With a self built practical methodology and magical wand in hand, she is now empowering others around the world to do so the same. Her motto is “knowledge without ap