Change Creator: Better Business. Better Life. Better World.

Adam And Danielle: 3 BIG Things That Exponentially Drive Sales Online Today



Everyone wants quick wins and big success. But what steps can we take to exponentially drive more sales? Adam and Danielle, co-creators of Captivate, discuss 3 critical steps you can take that all work together to compound your results and create happier customers. About Adam and Danielle: Adam Force is a burnout survivor and an activist at heart. After working at WebMD for 10 years as the Director of Strategic Marketing, he started a second business – Change Creator. Change Creator is an educational media platform for social entrepreneurs that helps change the status quo through its courses and services. They offer courses like – Captivate, a podcast with over 200 expert interviews, and a premier digital magazine (with 30 editions reaching 135 countries). Danielle Sutton is the Founder of The Sedge. She's passionate about supporting those who are enterprising to make the world a better place. With an undergrad in business, specialization in social entrepreneurship, participation in a world-class accele