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Rob And Kennedy: Sell More With Email Marketing That Works



Is your email marketing actually working for you? What's missing, what can you do better to help earn more sales? We got in touch with 2 high energy email marketing experts who share tons of gold nuggets that will change the game for you. Their names are Rob and Kennedy and they are known as the Email Marketing Heros. More About Rob and Kennedy: You might know them as hosts of the very entertaining podcast, The Email Marketing Show, or as the founders of the survey platform that makes you sales, ResponseSuite – my guests this week are fast becoming recognised as two of the most dynamic speakers in the world and for reshaping the way we think about email marketing… Red-haired Rob is a comedy stage hypnotist, and platinum-haired Kennedy a psychological mind reader (or mentalist as they call it in the US), who have spent almost 18 years each relying on their skills of getting into other people's heads to carve out successful careers in show-business. Now as founders of, Rob and Kenn