Shot By Brock

Ep. 54 Gabriela Blandy: Get Out Of Your Own Way



We are not our circumstances. And while privilege, environment, the past and our place in the world play a huge role in our outcomes, we are not completely without a say in the way our lives twist and turn. And although copying the morning routines of billionaires is unlikely to turn us into billionaires, our mindset can play a huge role in the quality of our lives. It’s been said a thousand quotable times over a thousand years, but Henry Ford said it well enough when he uttered the words: “if you think you can do a thing or you think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” In a society with such heavy constructs, frameworks and conventions around the idea how life should be lived, it’s very easy to give up our ownership of life, and instead wait in vain for our time to come, for our big break, or to put the blame on external factors for everything that goes wrong in our lives. Surely it’s not our fault we’ve put on all this weight when they’ve only gone and opened a McDonalds next door? But when we st