Saints Peter And Paul Sermons

All for One... Name



The apostle Paul was a missionary in the 1st Century. Having learned the Good News of Jesus' death & resurrection himself (that Jesus was the One who died for all) - Paul began spreading the word. One of the places he went was to the metropolitan city of Corinth. There he established a church. A few years later - Paul received a report about how the Christian Church in Corinth was doing. He learned that there were factions. Some were saying, “I follow Paul”; while others were saying, “I follow Apollos” or “Cephas” or “Christ.” (1 For 1:12) They were all trying to claim significance by name dropping notable people within the church. We do the same thing. WE want to be significant, so we try to associate with others who ARE considered significant. But Christ is different. He flips this social norm. Even though HIS NAME is the greatest name of all.