

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Ben Mandrell are joined by Jon Acuff, public speaker and author of Soundtracks: The Surprising Solution to Overthinking. They discuss learning how to be a better virtual speaker through the pandemic and ways to plan instead of pine over your current situation. BEST QUOTES "I can either pine or I can plan.""Innovation is a classroom. A crisis is an invitation.""Most people think a thought is something you have, not something you hone.""The goal of a great thought is always a great action.""I think every live event from this point on will have a hybrid approach.""One of the simplest ways to break it from a typical zoom meeting is you stand up.""Authenticity, whether it is via camera or via live, is still better than in-authenticity.""As a leader if your whole identity becomes the thing you are leading, it is game over.""One of the most damaging things you can do to yourself right now is compare this current situation to your goals a ye