Pathway To Promise Podcast W/ Dr. Brad Miller

PTP:094.The Power of Vision



PTP:094.The Power of Vision The Pathway to Promise is all about affirming that every person has a God-given promised life of peace, prosperity, and purpose and you must implement a planned pathway with the proper people to quickly overcome life’s challenges to achieve that promised life. Read Full Transcript Brad Miller 0:00 pathway to promise podcast with Dr. Brad Miller. Episode Number 94. The power of vision. Dr. Michael Hudson 0:10 Hi, this is Dr. Michael Hudson, of Michael Hudson. com. I help people unlock the power of their message so they can deliver it to the people that they're here to deliver it to. Thank you for listening to the pathway to promise podcast with Dr. Brad Miller helping you discover your life peace, prosperity, and purpose. Brad Miller 0:29 You're on the pathway to promise with Dr. Brad Miller. Brad believes every person has a god given promised life of peace, prosperity and purpose, and that you must have a plan and a guide to get there. The pathway to promise podcas