Pathway To Promise Podcast W/ Dr. Brad Miller

PTP:096. “The Grey Dance of Love” w/ George Araman



PTP:096. “The Grey Dance of Love” w/ George Araman Relationship Entrepreneur, Incessant Researcher, and Incurable Romantic, George Araman wrote The Grey Dance of Love to help people like him find love that lasts. By ‘dancing’ between his heart and his mind, George is devoted to spread some much-needed love to this world and bring down the high rate of divorce with his 50-year vision. The worldview of the “Pathway to Promise” podcast is that every person has a God-given promised a life of peace, prosperity, and purpose and you must follow a planned pathway to quickly overcome profound life challenges to achieve that promised life. The “Pathway to Promise” podcast integrates practical teaching by Dr. Brad Miller along with interviews with experts, authors and thought leaders in the field of life transformation. ( Read Full Transcript Brad Miller 0:01 pathway to a promise podcast with Dr. Brad Miller, Ep