Pathway To Promise Podcast W/ Dr. Brad Miller

PTP:103.Pinpoints of Light: Escaping the Abyss of Abuse w/ April Tribe Giauque



PTP:103.Pinpoints of Light: Escaping the Abyss of Abuse w/ April Tribe Giauque April T Giauque escaped the abyss of abuse through pinpoints of light.  Through her book Pinpoints of Light, she coaches the battered, beaten and broken discover their strength to change from Victim to Victor, for Advocates to understand their impact, and for supporters to understand their value so that they can become Beacons of Light! April has experienced homelessness with her five children (three who also have Autism) following their escape, yet she remained focused and earned her Master’s degree after leaving domestic violence. April has three main areas of focus: Healing and Supporting: She is a victor over abuse who helps the battered, beaten, and broken discover their light so that they can heal. She also empowers friends, family members, and co-workers with support skills so that they can be the ultimate supporter and help them become a victor in light in life. Parents She is a mom of special needs children who