War Of The Flea Podcast

#77 - What is the future of the White supremacists movement and the Latino Community



And we are back! In the episode of The Reality Dysfunction Dr. Ernesto, Alex Lozada, and our guests Dr. Teofilo Reyes and Berte Reyes return to discuss the how the white supremacist movement is impacting the Latino community. Why do so many Latinos claim whiteness? Why are Latinos embracing the supremacist agenda of claiming whiteness?    Below are two links for articles the panelists discussed.  https://www.mic.com/articles/187062/with-the-rise-of-the-alt-right-latino-white-supremacy-may-not-be-a-contradiction-in-terms https://www.latinorebels.com/2021/01/19/latinovoterrecord/     #mexicanos2070,#Latino,#Latina,#Latinx,#Chicano,#Chicana,#Chicanx,#Xicano,#Xicana,#Xicanx,#controlthenarrative',#resistthedysfunction,#ColegioChicano,#Insurgent Aztlan,#ThisIsOurShot,#Prescott College,#resistthedysfunction,#controlthenarrative