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Ep 5 George Lamb’s Don’t Call It a Comeback with Rick Edwards (and Marc).



Its episode epsilon.. #YOU CANT PUSH ME OVER….and mans do we drop the bomb…way too loud!! Lambs gone all P Diddy with The Big Payback the history of Hip Hop..50 pages in one day!,,Well done mate! Rick Edwards is back with his webbed hand…The Inventors inventor Tim "Tinder" Flaxman talks travel shades and mingling machines…Kirsty Meakin the nail wizard from the Wirral calls in giving us the lowdown on nails surprisingly..yes Meakin!! Jimmy Carr tells us all about partying with party monster Stephen Hawkings….PLUS..Fat Parrots insane tunes banter gold AND THE WORST ENDING TO THE SHOW EVER! De Nada x    See for privacy and opt-out information.