Saints Peter And Paul Sermons

Daniel 9



In Daniel 9, Daniel cries out to God in a prayer of repentance confessing his sin and the sins of the people of Israel. At this point, it's been 66 years since Daniel was taken into captivity. We find out in chapter 9, that Daniel had been reading the words of the prophet Jeremiah where Jeremiah had prophesied to the people of Israel that their captivity would last 70 years. When Daniel recognized these words of Jeremiah were coming true, he searched the Scriptures and he prayed. Daniel modeled to us a life of devotion and obedience to God despite what the circumstances in the world through at him. In this sermon, Pastor Aaron encourages us to live lives of obedience as well. Not to purchase or win our way to heaven or salvation, but simply because obedience to God's Word is a better way to live - for us, and for the world.