Reynolda Church: Audio Podcast




In contrast to Nike’s famous slogan, the Biblical invitation to us begins with just “be” it. Just be who you are created to be. God is, first and fundamentally, the One who IS and thus, we are invited to “BE.” Today’s message brings a deep exposition and exploration of the covenantal name, “Yahweh.” It’s a message that invites believers to live in the present by contemplating the very name of God. He is the “I am” – not “I was” or “I will one day become”. The great “I Am” is the One is “is”; He is defined by His moment-by-moment existence. We, made in His image, are likewise invited to define our lives not by what we “do” but who we “are”. It’s a message that calls worshipers to remember themselves as human beings not “human doings.”