Reynolda Church: Audio Podcast

How A Priest Found His Prophetic Voice



It seemed like a reasonable question. After all he angel of the Lord had just made a ridiculous promise. His wife would have a baby - how could that be! He simply asked, “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years.” The angel simply told him to “fear not.” Zechariah stood in a place of fear and dread. Just on this side of a veiled Holy of Holies where payment for sin must be made. Yet, the Christmas promise proclaimed by the angel was why the angel felt so confident in telling him to fear not. The angel knew that if Zechariah, in his mandatory silence, could just see beyond the veil of the Temple he would see that the very thing that was the source of his fear was actually the solution - Jesus would lay himself on the mercy seat. It was not only the promise of peace of earth, but also peace with God.