Reynolda Church: Audio Podcast

Just Sayin'



Are you ready for some good news? You have, just with your speech the Bible says, the capacity to speak life. It is something that is so radical that we can read right past it, but surely God teaches this to us in His word. One of the greatest stories in the Bible bears this out in powerful fashion. Ezekiel was called by God to speak life to Israel. But first the Lord wanted him to see just how void of life the nation was. He took him on a prophetic, visionary tour of the Valley of Dry Bones. With it, the Lord brought a question: “Son of man, can these bones live?” It was as if the Lord wanted him to not only see just how dead the nation was, but to ponder if God Himself could in fact bring forth life. His reply reveals a heart that was open to the possibilities of life with God: “O Lord God, you know.” At God’s command Ezekiel began to speak to these lifeless bones. Miraculously, God was with Ezekiel’s words, bringing resurrection and life. It all points us forward to Jesus who declared Himself