Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Multitasking and the Death of the Focused Mind



Is the culture of multitasking a grand design to undermine human potential? “What’s the craziest multitask you’ve ever pulled off?” This was a question asked to the TV viewing audience during a recent episode of a popular daytime talk show. To start off the segment, the hosts posted an image of a well known actress who admitted to eating her breakfast while she’s in the shower. And then the solicitation: [Think this is crazy?] Tweet the craziest multitask you’ve ever pulled off. Anxiously, the audience raced to tweet their craziest daily juggles, from the relatively reasonable to the downright ridiculous. Multitasking has for years been revered as an ability or skill that we would do best to master. In fact, many job descriptions list must have the ability to multitask in their skill requirements. Looked upon as a staple in order to get along in this fast paced society, there are some who insist that we’ve got it all wrong. In an article entitled, Multitasking is Killing Your Brain, MIT neuroscientist