Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Mary Rodwell – Who is The New Human?



Is there a new kind of human gracing our planet right now? And if so, who are they, why are they here, and what do they know about the existing agendas to monitor, mimic, and potentially misuse their undeniable intellectual and metaphysical abilities? In this, my fourth interview with the extraordinary Mary Rodwell, a researcher into the phenomenon of this new human, we sat down while on-location in Los Angeles to discuss the multi-dimensions these individuals demonstrate. Whether it’s extreme telepathic and telekinetic abilities, self healing capacity, or even the ability to make themselves physically invisible to others, these are just some of what Mary has documented in her broad spectrum of research. And as far as she is concerned, THIS is what we all can aspire to while living on this planet. But first we must learn listen to these individuals, to understand their unique perspectives, and then take that leap into becoming THE NEW HUMAN. Watch the full episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/cUcqfz6-Rzc Mary