Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Nassim Haramein – Brainlessness & Breakthroughs



"Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking inside a radio for the announcer." - Nassim Haramein https://youtu.be/n911rUz-Frg Among the many human enigmas that exist within this complex structure of reality is our potential to think and function normally even with very little brain matter. If the brain is still thought to be chiefly responsible for producing awareness, then how could this be so? Ground breaking physicist and consciousness explorer Nassim Haramein sat down with me to explain just what might make this possible. If thinking and functioning without a brain so to speak, is happening which he contends is far more common than we know, then just what IS truly driving our ability to navigate the wheel of life? Nassim begins by describing one mystifying account of a gentlemen in Paris who after suffering injuries in an automobile accident had tests that revealed he had minimal brain matter but still managed to think and function quite normally. If the actual brain is not primary in o