Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

When multiple synchronicity strikes in quick succession what is it telling you?



The what and why of synchronicity "clusters" and evidence of a "thinning veil"   Sometimes the Universe isn't just content to whisper, it prefers to scream! As I've said many times, synchronicity is without question the Universe's wink and nod. A process that philosopher Terence McKenna called "...a curious juxtaposition...that gives the impression that psyche and world are somehow contiguous with each other." Just recently, my psyche was apparently on overdrive when it aligned with not just one "meaningful coincidence" but five, and in relative quick succession. I've often spoken of how one can trigger more synchronistic experiences by simply acknowledging an initial encounter by simply stating out loud "Synchronicity!" the moment it happens. But how or why might one individual have a windfall of synchronicity in the span of only a few short weeks - everything from whimsical to weighty? Here's the short sheet as to what I witnessed: The "random" thought of a family friend's home and the urgent messa