Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

“Fake News” and Other Word Memes that Control Culture



How getting caught up in word behavior helps to ensure the individual is eradicated. Fake News! There probably isn't one individual in the modern world who hasn't heard or mimicked, or both, this latest meme of social culture. Where it started is another story entirely, and ironically if you were to ask most people who have ever so willfully adopted its addition to the ever growing "vocabulary" of mass society, they probably couldn't tell you. I have always found it both intriguing and disturbing to watch how easy it is for individuals (and I'm going to stress the term "individual" throughout this post to make a point) to so blindly pick up on the phraseology of the moment. It was the great philosopher and writer Oscar Wilde who said the following... Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. This quote was penned by Wilde as part of his 1897 (published in 1905) volume entitled De Profundis, in which he precedes this observat